I'm Lauren Peyton and I am thrilled to be the full-time counselor at Marblehead Elementary!
I'm here to ensure every student at our school feels valued, heard, and ready to shine! With a passion for creating a supportive environment where equity and opportunity thrive, I'm dedicated to helping our young learners navigate their emotions, build strong friendships, and become problem-solving superheroes.
I bring a dash of humor and creativity to my role here at Marblehead. With a background in comedy and acting, I believe in infusing our counseling program with laughter, imagination, and friendships.
From teaching cool tricks for handling big feelings to fostering kindness and respect in every interaction, I'm committed to making our school a place where everyone feels valued and included. Whether it's finding creative solutions to tricky problems or celebrating each child's unique talents, I'm on a mission to make our school community the happiest place to learn and grow!
Let's embark on this journey together, where every day brings smiles, laughter, and meaningful connections!
Marblehead Elementary School Counseling Program
Marblehead Elementary School Counseling Program![]()
Marblehead Elementary School Counseling Program
Belief Statement
I believe in:
As the school counselor at Marblehead Elementary, I believe:
All students can achieve academic, personal and social success in school.
Educational opportunities and higher-level achievement and access should be provided for all students
Inclusion, support and high expectations for all students, regardless of their different learning styles, language or development.
The importance of our students' success and achievement in all three areas: academic, career and personal/social.
Providing a safe learning environment where all students can feel respected and understood and where kindness and compassion are daily taught.
School counselors that utilize consistent data-driven and informed practice to ensure equity for all students following a multi-tiered system of support.
School counselors that are accountable by following the American School Counseling Association's ethical guidelines and standards.
Collaboration within the school counseling program and including school and community stakeholders to ensure we are working to support and meet our goals for student achievement.
Vision Statement
The Marblehead School Counseling Program strives to provide opportunities so that every student will acquire the social-emotional, academic, and career skills and growth mindset, to reach their fullest educational potential and successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, competent and productive citizens who respect themselves and others.
Mission Statement
All students at Marblehead Elementary School will have access to innovative social-emotional, academic and career supports to help them achieve their fullest educational potential and become respectful, responsible, caring, kind and productive leaders.
Multi-Tiered System of Support
Multi-Tiered System of Support![]()
Multi-Tiered System of Support

School counselors provide a multi-tiered system of support that is data driven and evaluated.
Tier 1: Classroom lessons (All Students)
Tier 2: Small group counseling (some students)
Tier 3: Individual Interventions- individual counseling and outside referrals (few students)
Counselor's Corner

Referral For Counseling Services
The elementary years bring exciting new challenges and opportunities. It’s the prime time to nurture social and emotional awareness and skills for learning. The research-based Second Step program includes everything needed to make it easy for teachers to integrate social-emotional learning into their classrooms, which decreases problem behaviors and increases whole-school success by promoting self-regulation, safety, and support." Second Step Website.
Second Step will be taught monthly in K-5 classrooms.
The schedule will be posted as it becomes available.
- Kindergarten: SSPK FAMI LY70
- 1st Grade: SSPI FAMI LY71
- 2nd Grade: SSP2 FAMI LY72
- 3rd Grade: SSP3 FAMI LY73
- 4th Grade: SSP4 FAMI LY74
- 5th Grade: SSP5 FAMI LY75
Antibullying Curriculum
Students will learn how to:
• Recognize when bullying is happening, report bullying to a caring adult, and refuse to let bullying happen
• Be a bystander who helps stop bullying
• Support someone being bullied by standing up for that person and being kind and inclusive
• Recognize, report, and refuse cyber bullying when they see or know about it happening
• Recognize when bullying is happening, report bullying to a caring adult, and refuse to let bullying happen
• Be a bystander who helps stop bullying
• Support someone being bullied by standing up for that person and being kind and inclusive
• Recognize, report, and refuse cyber bullying when they see or know about it happening
Second Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
Second Step Antibullying Curriculum
Second Step Social Emotional Learning CurriculumSecond Step Antibullying Curriculum![]()
Second Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
Second Step Antibullying Curriculum

Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Resources![]()
Mental Health Resources
- Trauma Resources
- OC Health Care Agency Resources for All
- CHOC Mental Health Toolkit
- Family Resource Center - Mental Health
- Parent Guide to MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports)
- capo resources.pdf (PDF)
- CHOC-Mental Health Resources.pdf (PDF)
- CHOC-Understanding Suicide.pdf (PDF)
- Suicide Support for Kids and Teens-CHOC.pdf (PDF)
- Mission Viejo Community Resources
- OC Family Resources.pdf (PDF)
- COVIDMentalHealthResources.pdf (PDF)
Positive Discipline
Positive Discipline![]()
Positive Discipline

- Positive Discipline Fall Newsletter
- 3 Rs of Mistake Recovery
- 4 steps for winning cooperation
- Act without words
- Agreements
- Allowances
- Avoid Pampering
- Compliments
- Conversational Curiosity Questions
- Dealing with Back Talk
- Encouragement vs. Praise
- Family Chores and Jobs
- Family Meetings
- Focus on Solutions
- Follow Through
- Getting kids to contribute and help
- Hugs!
- Kind and Firm Parenting
- Listening
- Mistaken Goals
- Mistaken Goals Chart
- Motivational Curiosity Questions
- Natural Consequences
- Pay Attention
- Problem Solving
- Positive Time Out
- Routines
- Small Steps
- Special Time
- Understanding the Brain
- Validate Feelings
- Wheel of Choice
Counseling Resources
Counseling Resources![]()
Counseling Resources
This site is always in progress.
- Helping children cope with grief and loss
- National Alliance for Grieving Children
- Comfort Zone Camp
- Literature
- Mind Yeti
- Cosmic Kids Yoga and Mindfulness
- Parent Mindfulness Tips
- Mindfulness Exercises for Parents
- Eight Ways to Bring Mindfulness to Your Family
- Positive Discipline
- Parent Institute for Quality Education
- ASCA Parent Resources
- Loving Solutions-The Parent Project
- Parenting Teens
Self Esteem:
Resources for Current Events
Resources for Current Events![]()
Resources for Current Events
CSUF Free Tutoring
The College of Education at California State University, Fullerton has created a free virtual tutoring program for 1st-12th grade. This tutoring program includes math, science, language arts, and social studies. In addition, the program has tutors who can tutor students who are taking high school Spanish or French, and students who are participating in dual immersion programs. Please use this link to sign up for a date, time, and subject area.
Food Pantry-San Clemente Peace Center
Food Pantry-San Clemente Peace Center![]()
Food Pantry-San Clemente Peace Center
Promise To Talk: Let's Talk About Mental Health
Promise To Talk: Let's Talk About Mental Health![]()
Promise To Talk: Let's Talk About Mental Health
Past, Current and Upcoming Webinars
2021 Conditions of Children Report
The 26th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County studies four interdependent focus areas: Good Health, Economic Well-Being, Educational Achievement and Safe Homes and Communities. Each focus area includes the most recent data for indicators to assess improving or worsening trends over 10 years and help identify potential areas to be addressed to ensure all Orange County children thrive.
OC Rental Assitance
OC Rental Assitance![]()
OC Rental Assitance
- English OC_Rent_Assistance_Flyer_Final.pdf (PDF)
- Spanish_OC_Rent_Assistance_Flyer.pdf (PDF)
- ERA Flyer FAQs - 1.27.2021.pdf (PDF)
Strategies for Anxieties and School Refusal
Strategies for Anxieties and School Refusal![]()
Strategies for Anxieties and School Refusal

CA Helpline English

CA Helpline Spanish